BRIEF – How could we imagine Strava to be more focused on the essentials.
EXERCISE – This has been a quick UX / UI exercise to see how parts of Strava can be tweaked to a more preferred and simplified experience from a personal point of view. Being an active sportsman that augments training sessions only with lo-fi technologies, I myself appreciate the data driven social aspect of Strava, although social interactions exist as a side-effect on top of their core feature which is tracking and analysis. Being one of the leading sports app in the market it is clear their marketing efforts, yet IMO they lost it by adding features on top of features, cluttering the experience that is somehow put together by a confusing navigation. Therefore this project was a week of fun trying to take a few steps back and thinking of then bare essentials that could be linked easily and still strongly honour shared runs and rides.
HOME – The Home Feed of Strava is a very ambitious piece of UI as it includes a serious load of branching into other complex features besides trying to display the bare minimum data points that make their feed worthwhile. My redesign focuses on more map, subliminal interactions, and clarity by rethinking the navigation and basic features that go with the app. The title of each view becomes the top navigation providing orientation as well as indicating pagination triggered by swipe movement. Notifications and Settings stay where expected just become more minimal to give space. The bottom tab navigation is removed, instead gives stage to the Essentials CTA – a centred button that interactively binds core interactions for each respective page. Disclaimer: "Add" and "Map" is killed due to third-party integration that post activities automatically as well as plan maps more accurately.

PROFILE – For the Profile view I removed tabs and cleared duplicate entry points to features. Instead I make use of the Essential CTA that functions as pagination here. By dragging the user can slide through the various main stats such as Activities, Progress and Goals. The avatar on top remains fixed and allows editing basic profile settings.